


In 2005, the Department of English was honored as a key program in the Undergraduate Educational Highland Project launched by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. Among the 134 instructors teaching in the department, 14 are full-professors (including one doctoral student supervisor), 35 associate professors, 31 with a PhD degree. Currently the department has under it nine teaching and research sections, namely,Basic English, Advanced English, British and American Literature, Linguistics, Extensive Reading, Translation, Audio-Visual-Oral English, English Writing, and English for Business School Students. It has a four-year undergraduate program and three MA programs.

Over the years, the department has made noticeable achievements in promoting interactive teaching, and four of the courses offered, namely "Basic English", "Advanced Interpretation", "English Listening', and "History of American Literature", have been awarded the title of "University-Level Excellent Course". In 2009, its "Basic English" was further recognized as the "Municipal-Level Fine Curriculum". The department has been enjoying a wide range of academic relations with universities in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia and developed with these partner universities joint education programs. The department has an increasingly strong international focus and the international exchange student body comprises over 10% of the total student population by 2010. its recent publications in Cognitive Linguistics, British and American Literature Studies, Cross-Cultural Studies, English Language and Teaching Studies, Translations Studies, Compilation and Research in Bilingual Dictionaries and others have been widely acclaimed both at home and abroad.